VIP Club
Join Our VIP Club for Exclusive Access
At Boehler's, we believe that loyalty should be rewarded. That’s why we offer our VIP Club for our most dedicated customers. As a VIP Club member, you’ll receive notice of our sales and access to exclusive deals. And, when you sign up, we’ll even give you $5 off* your first purchase of $25 or more! Don't miss out on the perks — sign up now!
To sign up, text** FLOWERS50 to 51660 or scan the QR code to the right.
*$5 off is only valid for the first purchase of $25 or more after signing up.
**You may receive up to 4 messages per month. Message and date rates may apply when sending and receiving text messages. Messages are sent from an automated system. Consent is not required to purchase goods and services. Text STOP to 51660 to opt-out. Text HELP to 51660 for assistance or call 800-211-2001. To view the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, visit